

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Wool-A-Rama Wins

I showed Somerhill Driftwood at the Wool-a-Rama quad angora specialty shows this past weekend at the Great Lakes Fiber Show in Wooster, OH.    She was Best of Breed in all four shows, winning her championship with 6 legs total.
I also showed Alafair as a junior doe, and she was 1st out of 4 in 2 shows.  Her sister Sabelle placed first in another show.  Somerhill Del Rey, a pearl junior buck, was BOS in all four shows.  Young Quicksilver, another jr buck, got great comments.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

OSRBA show results

Somerhill Driftwood - JR chinchilla SA doe - 2 legs (so far!)
Great day at the Ohio mini-convention in Columbus today. BOB was Driftwood (chinchilla doe) and BOS was Somerhill  Teton (pearl). BOV -white was Somerhill Whitehorse (REW doe) and BOSV was the WSB that Ann Mary Mercier showed.