

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pictures from the UARC Specialty show

Kudos to show secretary Kathy Taylor for such a well planned show! Here's Janet, holding her BOB certificate for her SR Giant angora doe. The doe is the HUGE ball of fluff in the show box in front of Jan.
Here's the English show. That's Liz on the far right. Joann Schoolcraft won BOB and BOS in this show. Notice Tina in the background, also taking a picture. :^)
Here is Tina and her husband, Scott. Liz in the background, with Kathy at the end of the table. They are watching the French Angora judging. Tina's colored SR buck, Golden Boy, won BOB. Kathy's colored JR doe won BOS.
Here is another shot of Tina and Scott, with judge Terry Fender. You can see Janet on the far right, doing the writing for the show.
Here is judge Terry Fender looking over one of the Satin Angoras. That's Pam and Janet writing. The blond lady in the background is one of the So WV club members, Elinore. I've known her for years. I won BOB and BOS with my Satins, and eventually, Best in Show for the angora specialty.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun time was had by all.
    Congrats on your well deserved Satin wins!
