

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

More Mess

Spent yesterday cleaning up the rabbitry and Chuck's workshop.
We won't know about the refrigerator, 2 air compressors, 2 chainsaws, some electric handtools, and my grooming blower for a few days after they have a chance to dry out.  We lost lots of paper things; books, owners manuals, etc that were in Chuck's toolbox.  I threw away most the paper and plastic in my storage cabinet.  Lost all my Calf Manna and grain treat mix.  They were in sealed containers, but still got muddy water inside.  Luckily, the rabbit feed was in a big trash can in a sheltered area that did not get the force of the water, so it did not flip over.
The buns were all high and dry in their new cages - I don't have the bottom cages in my stacks anymore.  The wooden frames Chuck built me were all covered with mud, sticks and leaves, but he hooked up a big pump to the generator and pumped creek water to wash down all the walls and floor and shelves, etc that needed to be washed off.
Once we got the electric netting that was near the creek untangled and replaced with new sections, the sheep went out to graze and sleep in the sunshine.  They'd gotten wet during the night, but since they had been freshly shorn, did not get all that muddy.  Neither the dogs nor the sheep wanted to go into the front sections of the barn.  Likely the water rushing through there suddenly while they were sleeping was an unwelcome surprise, and they are leery of going back up there.  LOL   All the straw bedding was scoured away by the water, so it must have been a scary few minutes in there!  The whole back section of the barn is full of wet, muddy straw with lots of woody debris, pop cans, and some trash mixed in.  The trash came from the across the road, where we store it until the trash pickup (on Monday, so we had a weeks worth).  We'll have to wait a few days until that dries out enough to be able to clear it out.

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