

Thursday, July 30, 2015

30th annual Guernsey SWCD Conservation Day Camp

I just love this photo, taken on the first day of our conservation camp.  The kids are canoeing on Salt Fork Lake.  In the canoe in the foreground with the dark hair is a sweetie named Jacey.  She and her mom used to deliver the paper to the office, and I got to know them both.  Jacey is originally from China, and was adopted along with her sister Jodi and brought to Cambridge to live.  Off in the distance in the red canoe are sisters Jessica and Susannah, 2 more girls I've enjoyed getting to know.  They are part of a family of 13 kids.  Their mom is a little flighty, but the nicest, gentlest, most loving mother I've ever seen.  Most of the kids have attended con camp over the years.  These 2 girls are the youngest, and so the dynasty will soon end.  LOL
Here is Jessica with her fish.  

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