

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

My 2 chinchilla herdsires

First up is Somerhill Quicksilver.  A Silver City son, he is shaping up to be one of the best chinchillas I have raised.  At eight months, he is an enthusiastic breeder and just sired his first litter a few days ago.  With a nice short shoulder, powerful arch, smooth, smooth hips, and wide, thick, deep lower hindquarters, his type is excellent.  He is just growing in his first adult coat, producing the first 2.5 inches in just 7 weeks.  I am excited to get him to some shows this winter to compare him to other young bucks across the east coast and midwest. 
He has the type head I like on a buck.  Big & blocky, with short, thick ears carried folded.

Athens Angoras Spikenard.  Another young buck, this time a chocolate chinchilla.  Spike is a son of
Somerhill Shane, and has a strong resemblance to his sire.  He too is growing in his adult coat, having been clipped 2 months ago.  He is developing into a very nice buck, and I will enjoy showing him this winter.  

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