Sunday, January 25, 2009

What I've been doing lately

More eliminating stashing going on here. I had a baggy of about 5 oz of locks from the BFL-Cheviot mules we used to breed. They were dyed a rose color. After about 5 years in my stash, they were feeling kinda stiff from a bit of lanolin leftover in the wool. While looking for something else, I came across a tiny baggie of blueish purple glitz - it was labeled 1/2 oz, and cost me 80 cents. I decided to flick card the locks, and then lay a thin layer of the glitz on them and spin it into the yarn.
I've been working on this on and off for a week - mostly off, thanks to a bunch of books I got for Christmas!


Denise said...

oh la la that color is smashing!

Becky Utecht said...

Very nice job Lisa! Is the Cheviot Mule fleece pretty nice? Did you ever have it micron tested?
I am tempted to get a Cheviot ram lamb next summer.

Somerhill said...

Thanks, Denise. :^) I think that color is Cushings Magenta. I really liked the yarn I made with the rest of it - I had some orangish locks, too, and flick carded locks together, blending it into a color color that was really nice.
Becky, I never had it tested. Its not as fine as BFL for certain, but it does get the silky handle from the BFL. It is fluffier - the loft comes from the Cheviot. I think it would be a good knitting yarn to show off stitches in an aran knit sweater. The yarn has a lot of body to it.

Somerhill said...

Oops - typo. That was supposed to say "coral color".

Somerhill Skylark

 This is Somerhill Skylark, a chocolate agouti junior doe.  She is owned and coated by friend Annette Boose.   GrCH Somerhill Bergamot x Som...