Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Satin Angora Pictures

Broken chocolate, chocolate, black,tort(in back) broken fawn(mismark) and broken choc tort
And 2 second later: Tort, chocolate, broken chocolate,black, broken choc tort, and broken fawn. They all have their eyes open, and are looking like real rabbits. They were born 2-4, so they are now 2.5 weeks old.


Ebonwald Cardigans said...

oh my goodness are those not the cutest things?! I wonder what my corgis would think about a house rabbit LOL

Dustin said...

How cute are those little broken babies! Did you really have to tease me like that?

Lilac Haven said...

The chocolates are really pretty-well they all are...

Somerhill said...

Oh no Annette - I just HATE the chocolate ones (wink wink) ;^)

Somerhill Skylark

 This is Somerhill Skylark, a chocolate agouti junior doe.  She is owned and coated by friend Annette Boose.   GrCH Somerhill Bergamot x Som...