Tuesday, October 5, 2010

HE's HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Llwygy 1706/X1 E+ in his working clothes. The highest indexing ram from the sire reference scheme, X1 was collected for AI in Wales, and his semen just arrived in the US today.
Somerhill will be the only US flock using his semen this fall, and ram lambs will be available next year from this new bloodline.


Jared Lloyd said...

Wahoo!!! Have you got Martin lined up to breed them this fall? I know you'll LOVE the lambs out of him. Jo's X1 yearlings were knockouts!

Somerhill said...

October 22nd.

Potosi Sheep Farm said...

He is a might guy for sure. Hope you get lots of lambs that look like him.

WoolGrower said...

Holy smokes, he looks like a tractor trailer...loooong! Wow.

Somerhill Skylark

 This is Somerhill Skylark, a chocolate agouti junior doe.  She is owned and coated by friend Annette Boose.   GrCH Somerhill Bergamot x Som...