Monday, May 30, 2011

Great Lakes Fiber Show

This is Tari's display - a part of a double vendor's booth that she, Anne, and I shared.  The show went well.  Saturday was a perfect day, and sales were brisk. Sunday was a little hotter than I'd have liked, but still well attended. I sold most all my BFL dyed yarns, dyed locks, and quite a bit of my new roving.  Its a blend of natural colored BFL, fawn alpaca, red Satin Angora, with some silk pindrafted into it.  Fabulously soft.  Everyone who picked it up this weekend said the same thing;  "oooooooooooooooooo".   I also delivered 7 angora bunnies to new owners. 
Besides the fiber show, I also entered a yearling BFL ram and ewe in the show and sale.  Alex helped me show then.  I ended up going into the ring with the ewe, and though I am sure she was not set up well to show her off to best advantage, she did not jump, buck, get loose and run around the ring, nor did either she or I end up rolling around in the sawdust.  So I think it went quite well.   :^)     She sold in the auction the following day to a new BFL breeder in Illinois, and the ram came back home.  He may be sold to one of the several people who stopped and talked about  BFL over the weekend. 


Dustin said...

OH if ever need someone to show one of your lambs for you and its not terribly far from me let know. I am willing to take them in ring for you just for the fun of it. I had a blast showing goats in 4H and while I would not be a pro would work in a pinch.

Somerhill said...

Dustin, that would be great! My requirements are:
1) Try not to fall (get knocked) down
2) Don't let the sheep loose to run amock on the fairgrounds. :^)

The national BFL show will be at this festival in 2012. So plan to come, ok? And start thinking of something you can make of BFL fiber and enter in the fiber show. We want to have a fine arts display too, of BFL paintings, photos, etc.

Celtic Hare said...

Fine arts display??? :- ) Maybe I'll get the ole pastels out and get to work on some projects for next year. :- ) I picked up some cool ideas for spinner projects from stuff that I saw at the festival Saturday.

It was GREAT SEEING YOU and meeting Tari at the festival.

Just be glad the festival wasn't held today. We're at 90 degrees.

Dustin said...

I can meet those requirement! Be careful what you wish for Lisa! It will be great fun.

Alice Farley said...


Somerhill said...

Vici - you should work on some BFL artwork to SELL, too.

Somerhill Skylark

 This is Somerhill Skylark, a chocolate agouti junior doe.  She is owned and coated by friend Annette Boose.   GrCH Somerhill Bergamot x Som...