Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My drying rack

This is the rack Chuck built me right after we moved to this farm.  We had several aluminum window screens from the old farmhouse, so he built a wooden frame for them to slide into.  There are 14 screens about 4" apart, so it dries a lot of wool in a fairly small space.  Its full of BFL wool that I washed last night.  These nice dry late summer days are perfect for drying.


Deb W said...

WONDERFUL idea - and so space saving for the space-challenged.

Deb W said...

It could also be used for drying herbs or other food when not filled with fleece.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Deb, count on you to think of using it for dehydrating! :^) I've been ready your blog with interest.
I tried drying watermelon once, too. HEHE
The best thing was the meadow mushrooms we dried one year when there was a HUGE bumper crop of them in the pastures. I've never seen so many mushrooms.

Carol said...

Love the rack! I think I'm going to put one on my list. Great reuse of screens.

Somerhill Skylark

 This is Somerhill Skylark, a chocolate agouti junior doe.  She is owned and coated by friend Annette Boose.   GrCH Somerhill Bergamot x Som...