Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rabbitry update

Since I've been back on my feet, I've been slowly catching up with grooming and cleaning in the rabbitry. This week, I clipped Timbuktu, Cyrenaica, and Sierra Leone, and bred both does to Tim. So now early next month, I'll be expecting 2 litters of Satin Angoras.
Tonight, I clipped Vendetta, and bred her to Benz, who was already clipped down. So a litter of French Angoras is on the way (I hope I hope) .
Tomorrow night, I have to start clipping Valhalla. Once he is finished, I need to check over Vidal, and then I am DONE clipping for a while, I think. There are a few juniors that need a thorough grooming, but that does not take long - maybe 10 minutes per bunny.

While clipping, I've also been spinning up the wool as I go. So after all that work, I just have one skein of white FA to ply, and a bag of fawn from Vendetta, and then I'm out of angora already.


Somerhill said...

OK, so last night, I spun up all of Vendetta. I have to ply it tonight. Now what ???

Dustin said...

And this is why we need to get some German or Giants in your barn!

P. Ricardo Gonzalez said...

Wow, Lisa, you're on a roll! Lucky for you not only do you have angora rabbits, but also awesome BFL's. I need to spin more, but have to make time for it.

Celtic Hare said...

I'm sooooo bad!!!....Envy, envy, envy!!!!!! Takes me for ever to spin!!! I wish I had your spinning savvy and speed. :- D

Somerhill Skylark

 This is Somerhill Skylark, a chocolate agouti junior doe.  She is owned and coated by friend Annette Boose.   GrCH Somerhill Bergamot x Som...