Friday, April 30, 2010

Rotational Grazing

This is what I see out my front door this morning. The white fence on the left and right is electric netting. It allows us to keep the sheep in a smaller area (2 acres vs 50) so that they graze the pasture evenly. On the right, you can see the area they just moved out of, which is less green. Every few days, Chuck sets up a new area and move the sheep into it, allowing the grass behind them to regrow. In this manner, the sheep are always eating fresh, nutritious grass, and the rest of the pasture gets to regrow and store energy. Its a win-win situation for both sheep & plants.

Looking east from the front porch. There is a small pond in the area in the center of the picture, although you cannot see it from here, just the dam. We call it "Lake Rodenfels". LOL


Denise said...

Oh it is so lush and green where you are! It is greening here but doesn't happen as quickly for us. I'd like to do more rotational grazing. Fencing is so challenging due to limestone in the ground...not to mention Charlie's lack of time to do the fence work.

Lilac Haven said...

This is interesting and makes a lot of sense. I bet it's a lot of work for Chuck but he loves it right?

Somerhill Skylark

 This is Somerhill Skylark, a chocolate agouti junior doe.  She is owned and coated by friend Annette Boose.   GrCH Somerhill Bergamot x Som...