Monday, December 27, 2010



Celtic Hare said...

What a BEAUTIFUL young fellow he's turned into!!!!!!! :- )

Somerhill said...

Weird that a stray out of a plush coated longlegged sire and a small,very plain-jane tiger dam would end up with a Persian type body and longish coat. His coat is very dense, but coarse enough (texture) that it sheds burrs and such. He is a LOVE - comes up and rolls over to be petted, even with strangers.

Denise said...

what a handsome fellow! I'm partial to long haired cats

Somerhill Skylark

 This is Somerhill Skylark, a chocolate agouti junior doe.  She is owned and coated by friend Annette Boose.   GrCH Somerhill Bergamot x Som...