Saturday, March 5, 2011

Rae and the kits

The pearls - now why can't I get any from my French Angora does?  
Pearl, tort, black, and REW.  The little tort is a girl, and a cutie pie


Lilac Haven said...

The pearls - now why can't I get any from my French Angora does?

For the same reason the best one either dies or turn out to be a buck if you want a doe. ;-)

Best chant I don't want any pearls as you are breeding your French!

Celtic Hare said...

The pearl babies look as though they might be showing some wool??? More pics as they get bigger, please. :- )

Dutch Hollow said...

What cute photos! I'd love for you to share them with us on our Fiber Animal Wordless Wednesday at

Newest Litter

 GrCH Somerhill Billy  Somerhill Adela.  Check out the bone on those 2 bucks on the left!