Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Newest Satin Angora litter

Born 11-1-12, Ginger Hill's litter by Silverado.  There is a possibility they could
be chinchillas, as Ginger could carry it recessively.  They are all agouti pattern,
with 4 black and 4 chocolate.  I am trying not to get too excited yet..... 


Dustin said...

I hope they are all Chins LOL

Denise said...

Congratulations Lisa! I hope you have a nest box full of satin chins. Remember way back when someone told someone else not to buy rabbits from me because my lines carried steel? Then fact checkers determined "said" rabbits were actually chinchillas and not steels? Here you are potentially breeding for chins :-) I love it and love the thought of some chinchilla satin fiber. I have a half satin chin buck that I have toyed with the notion of trying to make my own SA from that buck...in my spare time when I don't have anything else to do....ha ha I'm delighted to see you are doing this the quick and efficient way. Be fun to follow along.

Somerhill said...

And no, they are not chinchillas. The blacks have already started to develop their tan bands, so just garden variety chestnut agoutis. Sigh. See, I did start to get a little excited. Oh well, I know they carry chinchilla, anyway.
Yes, I remember the "steel incident". Geez - it caused me to stop breeding any colors but non-extended in my French Angoras for fear of being accused of "unscrupulously hiding the steel gene". LOLOL Weird people. Get a color genetics book, and get a grip.

Denise said...

Well too bad you don't have chins out of your new kits. I think they would be lovely in satins. I "might" give a try at breeding a satin carrier chin to a REW satin and see what I get...just for fun.

Somerhill Skylark

 This is Somerhill Skylark, a chocolate agouti junior doe.  She is owned and coated by friend Annette Boose.   GrCH Somerhill Bergamot x Som...