Sunday, May 19, 2024

SCORBA show results

 Had a great time at the SCORBA show yesterday in Circleville.  A couple friends had to cancel last moment, but we still had enough for legs in classes.  Somerhill Arlo, my first homebred Frosty was BOB in Show B under Joe Colucci, and is now granded.  His daughter, Carly, was BOS and also finished her championship.  Plus, a doe I just bought back - one of the original kits that came to me with a herd buyout last May - BC's Beata, was BOB in Show A under Mike Adams. 

pending GrCH Somerhill Arlo

pending GrCH Somerhill Carly

BCs Beata

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Newest Litter

 GrCH Somerhill Billy  Somerhill Adela.  Check out the bone on those 2 bucks on the left!