Monday, March 1, 2010

First Day of March

Not sure if you could say March came in like a lion. Its still 10 degrees below normal and we still have snow covering the ground. The sky was leaden grey all day, and a few lonely snowflakes wandered aimlessly to the ground. Its beginning to wear on us - Chuck is worried about our hay supply (what hay supply?) and I'm worried we can't get the sheep sheared before lambing begins on March 19th. Our shearer can only come on Saturdays, so it looks like the 13th is our best shot if he can fit us in. Right now, there is no way he could get his equipment into the barn through the snow and especially ice, and the sheep are perpetually damp from blowing snow.
On the plus side, all the BFLs are fat and sassy, and udders are starting to form everywhere! Adagio, the one ewe that did not lamb last year (after twinning as a ewe lamb) is looking positively enormous already. She must be planning to make up for last year. Flock matriarch Peg, her twins, Clio and Caliope, and their half-sister Colette look like they will need a rollerskate under their bellies before long.


Sheryl at Providence North said...

Sounds like a fun and busy spring ahead of you! Little lambs are so cute!

We had spring like weather today, very warm and sunny!

Denise said...

Good luck with the shearing....hope it can happen before the lambing begins. We have mud and you will too when it melts. I just saw the weather on the east I should never ever complain.

Somerhill Skylark

 This is Somerhill Skylark, a chocolate agouti junior doe.  She is owned and coated by friend Annette Boose.   GrCH Somerhill Bergamot x Som...