Friday, June 12, 2009


I finally managed to get her from under my feet for a picture. I was trying to tattoo bunnies, and she was busy too; kicking me in the back of the leg, tugging on my pantleg, chewing on the trashcan, trying to pull the tattoo box off the frustration, I sent her outside the barn to play with Chuck. She is finally starting to be interested in the grass. She is nearly weaned from the bottle, and eating about 2# of pellets per day, plus drinking water out of a bucket and eating hay. She won't be 2 months old for another week.


Denise said...

BFL's are good size lambs aren't they? I like that Gypsy girl :-)

Somerhill said...

We weighed her at 2 months and she is 62# already. She started out at 10#.

Somerhill Skylark

 This is Somerhill Skylark, a chocolate agouti junior doe.  She is owned and coated by friend Annette Boose.   GrCH Somerhill Bergamot x Som...